Salvi's solar technology is based on a prior study of the location, thanks to the PHOTOVOLTAIC GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM of the European Commission and the specific characteristics of each project; Salvi's online luminaire configurator allows you to see in a few clicks what would be the most efficient basic configuration for the location of the project.
The Solar Impulse Foundation was born from the initiative of Bertrand Picard and Boschberg in 2016. As the first people to fly around the world in a solar-powered aeroplane to demonstrate that a sustainable world is possible through the use of clean technologies. It was a success not only in the history of aviation but also in the history of energy.
From there, Picard & Boschberg have dedicated themselves to finding and promoting sustainable and cost-effective products and services with their "1000 Clean and Cost-Effective Solutions" initiative. The Foundation is helping decision-makers in business and government to achieve their environmental goals and adopt more ambitious energy policies, which are necessary to bring these solutions to market. One way to further build on the success of the world's first solar-powered flight.
To receive the label "Solar Impulse Efficient Solution", Solar Intelligent Lighting (S.I.L.) was thoroughly evaluated by a group of independent experts according to 5 criteria covering the three main topics of Feasibility, Environment and Cost-Effectiveness. Whose criteria are based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, being the blueprint to achieve a sustainable future for all by 2030. Solar Impulse focuses its solutions on 5 of these 17 objectives, with which it classifies and evaluates all the solutions presented to form part of its #1000 efficient solutions. Solutions that Bertrand Piccard, President of the Solar Impulse Foundation, will present to decision-makers in business and government. The aim of this initiative is to encourage the adoption of more ambitious environmental targets and to accelerate the implementation of these solutions on a large scale.
Salvi's solution has been selected because it is closely aligned with the "Solar Impulse" strategy. It is a great satisfaction, says Salvi, to have a solution among the 1,000 selected to change the world. A support in its strategy to work in line with the sustainable development goals of the United Nations and a demand to continue on this path with all our energy, to benefit the next generations.
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